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Our Referral Process

Getting Started

Hopewell and Bridgepoint offer a range of educational, therapeutic, and vocational services designed to equip students with the essential tools for a smooth transition to independence.

What Paperwork is Required?

All referrals must be made through the student's school district. We carefully review the student's information to ensure that Hopewell can effectively address their needs. Before scheduling an intake meeting or tour, the following documentation must be provided:

  • The Most Recent IEP
  • The Latest MDC
  • Current Psychological Tests 
  • Health Records
  • Updated Grade Reports and Transcripts

District referral submission

Intake Meeting

After a review of the documentation, we contact all parties to schedule an intake meeting at the school. The meeting should include the prospective student, parents or guardians, and a representative from the referring school district.

The School Visit

If during the intake meeting it is determined that the placement might be suitable, the prospective student will be scheduled for a visit day. This visit allows us to assess the student within our environment while also providing the student an opportunity to experience our school setting firsthand. Following the visit, we evaluate whether the student is a good fit for our program.

What Happens After a Student Starts?

Upon enrollment, we conduct comprehensive formal assessments to evaluate each student's academic, emotional, and transitional strengths and areas for improvement.  We utilize the WRAT Academic assessment which focus primarily on the student's proficiency in reading, math, and language usage to determine their current ability levels in these subjects.

Emotional assessments involve both individual and group counseling sessions, supplemented by formalized assessments such as the completion of the BASC3 assessment.

For transition readiness, we employ diagnostic assessments such as Choices 360 and Casey Life Skills to gauge the student's preparedness for life beyond our program. These assessments help us tailor our support to ensure a successful transition for every student.

For More Information:

Please contact Diane Hindman at or  815-463-9655  x501.